Program for Researchers in Obstetrics, Gynecology and REproductive ScienceS
SASGOG offers a research course, PROGRESS, for early career academic obstetrician-gynecologist specialist faculty and subspecialty fellows.
The course will establish, augment, and solidify participants’ foundational research knowledge and skills, and will establish and engage a network of experienced and emerging researchers that together will promote, sustain, and empower course participants’ careers while furthering the health and welfare of women and gender-diverse persons cared for by obstetricians and gynecologists.
The Course
The PROGRESS course is patterned from what was previously known as the Berlex Course and then the Exxcellence Course taught by David A. Grimes, MD and Kenneth Schulz PhD MBA. The PROGRESS Course uses an interactive curricular design to advance, enhance, and make more contemporary what was a superb course while retaining the important network-development component. The 2024 Course will be led by:
- Co-Director Emily DeFranco, DO, MS, John W. Greene Endowed Professor and Chair, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, University of Kentucky College of Medicine
- Co-Director Kristen Matteson, MD, MPH, Professor, Vice Chair of Academic Affairs, and Research Division Chief, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, UMass Chan Medical School and UMass Memorial Health.

Information about the 2024 Course
The Course will be comprised of a virtual component followed by an in-person component held October 1-5, 2024, at Loews Ventana Canyon Resort, Tucson AZ. Mentoring by PROGRESS faculty will continue following the in-person portion of the course.
Applicants will provide:
- CV
- Statement of interest
- Brief description of their research plan or idea
- Signed commitment from Chair or Division Chief
Tuition is $5,000 per selected learner. Selected learners are responsible for travel expenses and hotel sleeping room expenses. Most meals are included in the tuition.
Key Dates for the 2024 Course
- Applications for the fall 2024 course will be accepted through June 3, 2024.
- Selected applicants will be notified early-July 2024.
- In-person component held October 1-5, 2024.
- Pre-work and virtual engagement will begin in September.
- Tuition will be due August 1.
PROGRESS Founding Society Sponsors