SASGOG 13th Annual Meeting: September 11-12, 2025

Call for Abstracts

The Society for Academic Specialists in General Obstetrics and Gynecology (SASGOG) is pleased to announce the Call for Abstracts for the 13th Annual Meeting, being held on September 11-12, 2025. All abstracts must be original work. Case reports will not be considered. All submissions are peer-reviewed and scored on: scientific merit, originality, and relevance to general obstetrics and gynecology. Outstanding abstracts will be eligible for monetary awards.

The deadline to submit an abstract for consideration is Monday, March 17th 2025, at 11:59 PM ET.  Submitting authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection, and if accepted, oral or poster presentation, by mid-May 2025.

A limited number of meritorious abstracts will be accepted for oral presentations. The presentations are limited to 7 minutes for presentation followed by 3 minutes for questions-and-answers. For poster presentation, additional information will be provided upon acceptance of your abstract.

Abstract Submission Requirements and Information

The title is limited to 100 characters (including spaces), and should be upper and lower case.

The abstract text is limited to 300 words and should be organized into these headings:

  • Introduction – A brief statement about the purpose of the study and pertinent background.
  • Methods – The method(s) of study or data collection employed.
  • Results – A summary of study findings including sufficient detail to support conclusions.
  • Conclusion/Implications – A statement explaining the significance of your work and the implications for further research, practice and/or policy.

Please adhere to the following text guidelines:

  • Use the appropriate letters and numbers (e.g., 0 –zero vs. the letter O).
  • Use only one space after colons and periods.
  • Minimize the use of abbreviations and spell out the ones used.

Figure or table:
Each abstract is allowed to include one single page table or figure as attachment, (TIFF, JPEG, PNG, or PDF format). The file size should not exceed 3MB.


  • Up to six (6) authors can be listed on an abstract. Multi-center studies may be considered for additional authors.
  • At least one author must be a current SASGOG member. Please, specify which one.
  • For each author, specify the institution and provide the email address.
  • An author of accepted submissions is required to register for the meeting to present.
  • The submitting author, on behalf of all authors, must disclose any conflict of interest.

You will be required to specify one of the following categories during submission:

  • Clinical and translational research
  • Educational research and scholarship
  • Quality improvement
  • Digital transformation including Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

“Best Manuscript from a SASGOG Abstract Award” Award
Accepted abstracts from residents, students, or junior faculty (within 5 years from completion of residency training) may be eligible for an award for the best abstract converted to an accepted manuscript within 12 months from the meeting date. Details will be shared with those with accepted abstracts.


  • Please ensure accuracy of your contact information and review the abstract for grammar, spelling, and punctuation prior to submission.
  • Abstract information cannot be altered after submission.
  • Please keep a copy of your abstract for your records.
  • Submission website – here.
  • Send any questions to [email protected].

Summary of dates:

  • Submissions start—February 1, 2025
  • Submissions due—Monday, March 17, 2025, at 11:59 PM EST
  • Responses sent—Mid-May 2025
  • Attend the meeting—September 11-12, 2025