Specialists in general obstetrics and gynecology have assumed an important role in academic departments. With further anticipated changes in health care, this impact is likely to continue to grow. To enhance the success of the academic specialist in general OB/GYN, we need a national collaborative network to facilitate our ability to develop new initiatives in women’s health care, share best practices, promote scholarship and support leadership within our academic departments. Together we will define ourselves as a true academic specialty, as a necessary step to be recognized and valued. The Society for Academic Specialists in General Obstetrics and Gynecology has been formed to meet these needs. In a time of limited resources and many established and partially overlapping organizations, the Society for Academic Specialists in General Obstetrics and Gynecology realizes the need to create ongoing value for its members without duplicating the mission of other professional and scientific associations. The outpouring of support for the new organization and rapid recruitment of new members indicates to us that academic obstetrics and gynecology has matured as a discipline, and a professional organization for the specialty is an idea whose time has come.
SASGOG Mission
The Society for Academic Specialists in General Obstetrics and Gynecology seeks to support academic generalist physicians of all backgrounds throughout the lifespan of their careers. We will do this by (1) providing evidenced-based and culturally aware education that promotes equitable practice and advances health, (2) fostering excellence in scholarship and research, and (3) promoting inclusive leadership opportunities for our members.